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The Human heritage of dark skies

For many, the simple memory of the dark skies and starry nights of their youth and wanting that experience for their children and children’s children is the impetus behind their support of dark sky efforts. Until several generations ago, before urbanization and the widely available technological ability to overwhelm a landscape with lighting, the stars at night were part of the universal human experience; now an estimated 80% of the developed world is unable to see the Milky Way.


Astronomers have observed the increasing illumination of night skies causing difficulty in discerning astronomical objects. Even observatories like the European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) Chile observatory are showing signs of the serious problem light pollution is creating. Policy initiatives are important to bring protection and awareness to the impact of light pollution on dark skies.

Photo Credit: Richard Bednarski


Astrotourism encompasses night sky viewing and has been growing in popularity especially in national parks. However, preservation of the dark skies is becoming a challenge with increased development around park boundaries. The U.S. National Park Service (NPS) is working to promote the value of dark skies along with other organizations. 

Photo Credit: Richard Bednarski

Human Health

Research suggests that artificial light at night can negatively impact human health and cause an increase in sleep disorders, obesity, depression, and more. 

“Glare from nighttime lighting can create hazards ranging from discomfort to frank disability.”

American Medical Association Council on Science and Public Health (2012)

Photo Credit: Jodi Cobb


Artificial lights have been found to disrupts the world’s ecosystem. Disruptions to nocturnal activity, reproduction, and bird migration can cause species population’s to decrease. 

“The introduction of artificial light probably represents the most drastic change human beings have made to their environment.”

Research scientists, Christopher Kyba 

Photo Credit: Michael Nagel

Urban design

Outdoor public lighting has become crucial to individual’s quality of life. Night time lighting can often be excessive. It is important to keep in mind the use of energy efficient lighting and the adequate level of lighting. This can minimize the intrusiveness of light on dark skies. 

Photo Credit: Corbis